Algorithms in C# and F#

I hope it is not a big secret to ones reading, but in order to be more effective as F# programmer, one needs better knowledge of .net platform itself. However, at the moment of writing, most of focus in .net as aimed at C# and not F#. So basically, understanding .net requires good grasp of C#. To add more, most of libraries written for .net, including the “cool” ones are mostly implemented in C#. So, to use them more effectively (and perhaps contribute in future), C# knowledge helps as well. To sum up – to be better F# programmer one needs to know C# as well.

So in order to stay sharp, and not forget C#, I am working on going through Algorithms by Wayne and Sedgewick and attempt to reimplement the examples and do the exercises in C# and F#. This will allow me to compare F# and C# (performance, easy to write) and also ot understand better the capabilities and limitations of F# when used as imperative language (while it is functional first, it is “multi-paradigm” after all).

That’s all for now. Stay tuned!

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