I really like F#,.. but I will focus on C++ for now – an update.

While I really like F#, for now it seems I will focus on C++ in the next few months. Here are few reasons, why I think it is the right thing to do.

F# is a great language, however, if you want to build “cool stuff” (high performance things that drive the world these days). with it, you need both good knowledge of F# and the knowledge of the “cool stuff”. While F# is not that hard to learn, in my opinion, at the moment I hit the wall, because my knowledge of the “cool stuff” (OpenGL, Vulkan, DirectX, CUDA, systems programming, native number crunching) is lacking at the moment… The languages I need for it is C++ and C. The major languages for data science are Python and R (with C++ backend)… So at the moment, trying to do these things in F# will just increase my learning time.

As for the language itself – while it is popular to bash C++ these days, it is not as bad language as it is portrayed. Yeah, it is complex, and error-prone if you do not know what you are doing, but so is advanced programming in general. On the other hand, modern C++ is fast, expressive and has many features that make programming easier. Not to mention great tooling it has (sorry F#).

So, next months it is going to be C++ mostly. And then we’ll see how we continue.

That’s all for now.

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